August 10, 2023

On Thursday morning, the Son Risers talked about humility, looking at John 13:1-20. Todd lead the discussion and provided a vivid illustration by washing Joe's feet as the rest of us looked on. We have been looking at Jesus and the disciples celebrating the Passover as part of our study through the book of Luke. Todd took us on a little side trip to look at Jesus' washing of the disciples' feet (which also happened during the time they were having Passover together). We spent most of our time together discussing humility - both the humility of serving and also the humility of admitting our needs (as Peter had to) to let others serve us.
After the study, Paul reminded us of C.S. Lewis' quote:
“True humility is not thinking less of yourself; it is thinking of yourself less.”
The Son Risers meet weekly for Bible Study, sharing, and prayer. We gather every other week for breakfast in the fellowship hall and on the other weeks, we meet on Zoom. See the Son Risers page on the Bergen EPC website for more information: