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Celebrating Christ through fellowship with our church family as we nurture one another in faith
This year of 2022, we were able to do a little more to enhance and support opportunities to share and enjoy fellowship within the church body. We also coordinated with other committees to help with church and community events. The events that we were able to sponsor and support include the following:
Assisted with the baby shower for the Hammacks (January 16)
Pizza luncheon before the annual meeting (January 23)
Easter breakfast following Sunrise Service (April 17)
Supplied baked goods for Reformation Society meeting (May 1)
Hosted a Ladies Tea (May 15)
Assisted with the Memorial Day picnic at Seward’s barn (May 29)
Assisted with the Back to School Bash (September 10)
Hosted a soup luncheon following the service (October 2)
Harvest Dinner (November 13, following Sunday service)
Christmas Concert refreshments (December 3)
Assisted with lunch before Christmas Caroling (December 11)
We are responsible for setting up and cleaning up the Coffee Hour on Sunday mornings before Sunday school and through the morning service. We had a pause during Covid, and resumed beginning March 13 with beverages only, We added packaged snacks on April 24 and continued with packaged snacks for the rest of 2022. The committee also maintained an inventory of frequently used items in the kitchen/coffee room.
The Card Ministry ran smoothly with little committee involvement, in the very capable hands of Eunie Ely.
Sincere, heartfelt thanks are offered to the following individuals:
Eunie Ely for running the Card Ministry, funeral receptions and heading up many of our fellowship events.
Members of the committee for their support in kitchen cleaning and making fellowship events successful
Our church family that has donated food and served and/or cleaned up at fellowship events. We want you to know we could not have done these events without your generous and willing participation.
We welcomed Paula Welch as a new member of our committee and especially thank her for planning and overseeing the Harvest dinner this year
May God bless each of you for using your time, talents, and treasures to make these events and ministry a success.
We are thankful that the Lord has blessed us this year with being able to resume many of our activities.