Caring for the Church
Ministering to the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of the individuals in the Bergen Evangelical Presbyterian Church and their friends and families.

Image by Sabine van Erp from Pixabay
The Deacons minister to those with specific needs at various times during the year with donated food or gift cards as a way of encouragement. They especially concentrate on the seasons of Thanksgiving and Christmas with boxes of food for some of our elderly, shut-ins, and other members in need of encouragement. Additionally, congregational members often generously offer unsolicited meals to those in need. The Deacons understand the importance of nourishing not just the body but also the spirit through acts of kindness and provision.
Our New Member Ambassador welcomes visitors and new attendees. Each regular attendee of the church is assigned to an individual Deacon who is encouraged to contact them throughout the year via notes or phone calls.
Births are celebrated and those who have died are remembered and mourned. The Deacons seek to minister to people during these critical times. Prayer shawls are distributed to those in grief, sickness, and other difficult circumstances.
The Deacons send notes of encouragement to the church's college students and often include a Dunkin’ or similar gift card. In December, we purchase Christmas gifts for children from one Byron/Bergen school family. A large box of groceries is also given to this family.
Every month, a different deacon serves as Deacon of the Month. This deacon helps Pastor Brandt and one of the Elders in serving communion on the first Sunday of the month. During the month they send birthday and anniversary cards to the older members of the congregation. They also help to make the church look fresh by providing flowers for the altar each Sunday. This deacon also leads the Deacon Board in a time of devotions during their normal monthly meetings.