Joining Us for Worship
Entering Worship for the First Time
Greeters will give you a bulletin and are available to help you find a seat if needed. You’ll notice when you enter our Sanctuary that it’s fine to "come as you are" to worship. Small talk is encouraged before the service begins. Some churches like for you to enter quietly, but our folks enjoy getting to know those around them. The God we worship is interested in our deepening our fellowship with each other as well as Him. So we spend time in every service talking to both God and each other. (Acts 2:46-47)
If you come early enough, you can go to the foyer outside of the Sanctuary for refreshments. We encourage people to enjoy them in the foyer before re-entering the Sanctuary. To get to the foyer, there are a set of double doors at the front of the Sanctuary (near the pipe organ). Go through there and this is the foyer. The refreshments are also available after the service as well. Once the "call to worship" begins, (which is with a song), you can follow the bulletin to know what to do. We stand for singing and the words are either displayed on a screen on the wall or sung from the hymnals. There is a children’s sermon and children of all ages are invited to the front seats to participate.
Handicap Access / Hearing Assistance
Handicap spaces are near the rear entrance of the church. There is also a handicap elevator there. The elevator is usually in between floors, so someone will have to come in to move it down to street level. To get to the elevator controls, enter the back door and go up the stairs to your right. Just inside the door at the top of the stairs, to your right is the elevator control. Hold the lever "down" until the elevator reaches the bottom. At this point, the elevator door will be able to be opened. Upon entering the church from the elevator, you will be in the rear foyer.
Hearing Assistance devices are available from a Greeter. These are tied directly into the churches sound system and provide full quality audio through either a earpiece or headphones.​