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The annual REVERB (formerly “Superbowl”) youth event takes place in Rochester on the 4th and 5th of November. It is an all-night event that includes a Rochester Americans hockey game, awesome group activities on the ice after the game, a phenomenal message given by a nationally known evangelist, all-you-can-eat pizza, all-night Tri-county Sports Complex athletic events, glow-in-the-dark bowling, go-carts, arcade games, and more. Almost 1,300 teens will be attending this year and many will give their lives to the Lord for the first time. We will be traveling by bus with 48 teens and leaders from our TAG group. Please pray for all the teens, leaders, and volunteers who will be attending the event.

Many of the teens attending with our group this year are non-believers and will be hearing the gospel message for the first time. I tell all the TAG teens that I will cover the full cost of the event for any non-Christian friends they invite. Amazingly, this year we have so many friends attending that I could really use help covering the cost of their tickets. Their tickets cost $25.00 each and we have almost 20 non-Christians attending. So, in addition to prayer for all of these kids, it would be awesome if you would prayerfully consider sponsoring a teen (or several) for this event. Checks can

be made out to Joe Rebisz and put in my church mailbox. If you would like to know the first name of the teen(s) you are sponsoring, so you can pray for them and their salvation that evening, please call or text me (Joe Rebisz) at 585-794-8295 and I will give you that information. Thank you for your continued generosity, support, and prayers for TAG teens, leaders, and friends.

Our TAG youth group will be meeting on the following Sundays from 6:00-8:00: November 20th and December 4th. Please keep all the teens of our group, and in Bergen, in your prayers. Continue to pray for God’s protection and guidance in their lives!

From the November Vision Newsletter

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