Each year, our church partners with Samaritan’s Purse in the Operation Christmas Child shoebox ministry. This mission sends shoeboxes packed with toys, school supplies, hygiene items, etc. to children in need throughout the world. When the shoeboxes are distributed, children have the opportunity to learn about Jesus by participating in a discipleship program.
This year there are three ways you can participate:
Pack shoeboxes on your own at home. There are empty shoeboxes available for you to take home, located in the foyer. Please note the cost for shipping is $10 per shoebox. You can include this in the box or pay online. We would like to encourage everyone/family in our congregation to pack a shoebox. Bring them back to church by NOVEMBER 19 and we will take them to a drop-off site.
Purchase items for our Sunday School children to pack boxes. We welcome any other items such as toiletries--toothbrush, comb, washcloths, small toys, games, and school supplies. There is a collection bin in the church foyer for any donations. Thank You!
Donate money toward shipping. If you would like to contribute to the cost of shipping (for the shoeboxes the children pack in Sunday School), please place your donation in the offering box with the envelope marked/designated for OCC shipping. Thank You!
Please return packed shoeboxes to church by NOVEMBER 19
Please stop by the Operation Christmas Child display in the foyer.
See Julie Foeller with any questions.
You can also check out samaritanspurse.org for lots of great information.