Young Life Report from the 2022 Annual Report
“Young Life exists so that not a single kid would be alone and without spiritual guidance during the most critical times in their lives.” For over 25 years, this desire to pursue every kid with the love of Jesus has shaped the lives of students, families, and communities in Genesee County. Our staff and volunteers enter the world of kids to represent and reflect the love of Jesus into students’ sometimes dark and chaotic lives. Whatever their response to our friendship or even to the Gospel of Jesus, our staff and volunteers seek to be incarnational witnesses of Jesus to them.
2022 was a year of charge for Genesee County Young Life. Our Area Director Tim Riley left Genesee County Young Life, in July, to move with his family to the Nashville TN area. He is now a teacher in a Christian school. Max Herbert, the area director for Rochester West, has been helping with the teen ministry here.
The teens were able to attend club in person this year, along with Summer Camp, activities with Rochester West group, and Fall Weekend.
Young Lives, a mission to teenage mothers and their children, is still going strong in Genesee County. We ‘graduated’ several young women out of the program (the program serves teen moms until the age of 21). We have a new group of teen moms in the program this year and were recently able to meet many of them, their partners, and children at a Christmas party held at our new ‘home’ - the community room at the Robert Morris School in Batavia.
We were able to take one teen mom, her child and Jessica Maskell (Young Lives coordinator), and Sandy Partridge (childcare volunteer) to camp at Lake Champion this past summer.
We welcomed Justin Pretko and Jessica Maskell as staff in Genesee County.
As we look back on this calendar year, we are so grateful for all the ways we have experienced the Lord at work. Thank you for being in this ministry with us.
For Christ and kids,
Your Genesee County team: Max Herbert, Jess Maskell, Justin Pretko