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Past Sermons:
8/07 Common Ground in the Gospel
8/14 Church Transformation
8/21 The Body of Christ
8/28 Spiritual Gifts
9/04 False Teachers
9/11 Harsh tones of the Bible in dealing with false teachers
9/18 The importance of rightly diving the Word of Truth
9/25 Heathy churches and the Great Commission
10/02 The idolatry of church growth
10/09 Love must be sincere
10/16 Hate what is evil. Cling to what is good
10/23 Examine my own life
10/30 Confront sin in others
11/06 Don’t grow weary in doing good
11/13 Reid Ferguson - True Faith
11/20 Gary Sauer - Living for #1 - Another
11/27 Michael Welch - Are You Ready?
12/4 The First Promise of the Savior
12/11 Until Shiloh Comes
12/18 O Little Town of Bethlehem
12/24 God with Us
12/25 The Wonderful Name