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Welcome to Bergen EPC

Welcome to Bergen Evangelical Presbyterian Church, a warm and caring congregation in Bergen, New York. We extend a heartfelt greeting to all visitors and invite you to join our worship, study of God's Word, and fellowship.


Bergen Evangelical Presbyterian Church seeks to show the love of God and share the gospel of Jesus Christ through active, hands-on involvement in the community.  We are committed to living out our faith by extending our hands in ministry not only to our own members but to everyone in our neighborhood and around the world. 


As an Evangelical Presbyterian Church (EPC) our enthusiasm for the gospel, evangelism, missions, and living in accordance with the teachings of Jesus drives our faith. We also hold deep roots in the Protestant Reformation, valuing the rich heritage it provides.


We are looking forward to welcoming you into our church family and growing together in worship, service, and community. Please join us on this journey of faith and fellowship.

About Us: Portfolio
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